My To-Do List for english task :)
Minggu, 26 Mei 2013
Senin, 15 April 2013
Show Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 7 or Vista
[This tip is for beginners only] Windows 7 or Vista hides important
files and folders from view to keep users from deleting or otherwise
modifying files they shouldn’t, but a simple checkbox can change that
Minggu, 10 Maret 2013
tugas yang terakhir kayanya ._.
Grammar --> Used To –Be Used
Used to yang kita gunakan disini
bukanlah bentuk Kata Kerja 2 dari Use, melainkan satu kesatuan kata yang
berarti "biasanya". Dalam Bahasa Inggris penggunaan kata tersebut
banyak menghiasi percakapan. "Used to do" berbeda dengan "to be
used to doing" dan "to get used to doing".
tugass -_-
process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates
value or for which customers will pay.
tugas lagi dan lagi ._.
English Expressions: Asking & Giving Suggestion (Meminta
dan memberi saran) adalah salah satu ungkapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari
yang perlu diketahui oleh semua kalangan. Tidak hanya oleh para siswa tingkat elementary
an intermediate
saja, tingkat advance pun harusnya sudah bisa menguasai materi
percakapan ini.
tugas dan tugas..
Definisi Grammar mungkin
sudah banyak dijelaskan di kamus monolingual bahasa Inggris ataupun buku-buku referensi grammarlainnya. Namun begitu, tidak salah juga saya mengutipkan beberapareferensi mengenai defenisi
Grammar menurut para ahli. Saking banyaknya ahli grammar di dunia ini, jadi
saya hanya mengutipkan beberapa definisi saja biar tidak capek ngetiknya
(hehehe) Oke lah kalau begitu, berikut adalah beberapa keterangan mengenai
definisi, makna ataupun pengertian
grammar yang diungkapkan oleh
beberapa pakar Grammar dunia, Let’s check this out…..
tugas lagi nih ._.
are some phrases that you can use to help express opinions. Some of these
phrases are more appropriate for written English such as giving your opinion in
an essay whereas some can also be used in spoken English.
tuas lagi nih..
Noun clause sebagai subjek kalimat
1. What you said doesn’t convince me at all.
2. How he becomes so rich makes people curious.
3. What the salesman has said is untrue.
4. That the world is round is a fact.
1. What you said doesn’t convince me at all.
2. How he becomes so rich makes people curious.
3. What the salesman has said is untrue.
4. That the world is round is a fact.
lagi lagi tugas..
Contoh Expressing Agreement and Disagreement
Ada banyak kalimat yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menyatakan setuju atau tidak setuju, berikut contoh kalimat agreement dan disagreement.tugas lagii.. bahasa inggris.
Pengertian Expressing Of Certainty & Uncertainty
Certainty and uncertainty
Certainty is the state of being
completely confident or having no doubt about something. However, uncertainty
is when nothing is ever decided or sure.
Expressing certainty
When you are sure that something will or will not happen in the future, use these expressions.
Expressing certainty
When you are sure that something will or will not happen in the future, use these expressions.
tugas lagi. bargaining
Bargaining or haggling is a type of
negotiation in which the buyer and seller of a good or service dispute the
price which will be paid and the exact nature of the transaction that will take
place, and eventually come to an agreement.
Bargaining is an alternative pricing
strategy to fixed prices. Optimally, if it costs the retailer nothing to engage
and allow bargaining, he can divine the buyer’s willingness to spend. It allows
for capturing more consumer surplus as it allows price discrimination, a
process whereby a seller can charge a higher price to one buyer who is more
eager (by being richer or more desperate). Haggling has largely disappeared in
parts of the world where the cost to haggle exceeds the gain to retailers for
most common retail items. However, for expensive goods sold to uninformed
buyers such as automobiles, bargaining can remain commonplace.
Minggu, 27 Januari 2013
Contoh Percakapan Berbahasa Inggris The First Date
[Tony and Ressa meeting up in a café for a first date]
Ressa : Sorry for making you wait. I wish you don’t get upset of my late.
Tony : It’s alright. It must be traffic jam, right? I wish I could pick you up from your house so you didn’t need to deal with the traffic jam.
Ressa : It really is okay. I’ve got used to this traffic jam problem.
Tony : Alright, have a seat! You must be tired. Here I have ordered your favorite fresh juice. You can drink it. I know it must have been so thirsty of being trapped by the traffic jam at this hot day.
Ressa : Sorry for making you wait. I wish you don’t get upset of my late.
Tony : It’s alright. It must be traffic jam, right? I wish I could pick you up from your house so you didn’t need to deal with the traffic jam.
Ressa : It really is okay. I’ve got used to this traffic jam problem.
Tony : Alright, have a seat! You must be tired. Here I have ordered your favorite fresh juice. You can drink it. I know it must have been so thirsty of being trapped by the traffic jam at this hot day.
Banyak orang di dunia ini suka musik hampir semuanya ya mungkin, termasuk gue, bagi gue musik adalah bagian dari hidup gue karena dengan music itu kita bisa merasa nyaman, gue suka music tanpa mengenal genre atau aliran music itu sendiri gue suka semua aliran music mulai dari pop sampe metal, music juga kalo bagi gue bisa mempengaruhi mood contohnya kalo kita denger lagu punk atau metal pasti bawaanya semangat dan kalo denger lagu yang mellow pasti bawaanya adem hehehe :D
Jumat, 25 Januari 2013
hadehhhhhh, abis bersih bersih blog nih --"
udah lama gak buka blog teryanta sekalinya di buka udah banyak alang-alang aja, jadinya gw bersih bersih dulu nih.
oke sekarang mari kita menulis blog lagi :)
semangaaatttt yaaaaaaa :D hehehehe
udah lama gak buka blog teryanta sekalinya di buka udah banyak alang-alang aja, jadinya gw bersih bersih dulu nih.
oke sekarang mari kita menulis blog lagi :)
semangaaatttt yaaaaaaa :D hehehehe
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